Our World

Our World

Garden World: An evergreen gardening destination for the whole family

Garden World in Muldersdrift, northwest of Johannesburg, is a magical gardening destination that offers something for the whole family.

Garden World: ‘n Immergroen tuinmaak-bestemming vir die hele gesin

Garden World in Muldersdrift, noordwes van Johannesburg, is ‘n allesomvattende tuinmaak-bestemming wat iets bied vir die gesin.

Nursery & Garden Care Solutions

Our extensive retail & wholesale nursery is stocked with everything an avid gardener needs to enhance their home oasis, including plants of all shapes and sizes, as well as a wide variety of pest control-, plant nutrition- and garden care solutions from some of South Africa’s most trusted commercial and home garden suppliers.

Nursery & Garden Care Solutions

Ons omvattende kleinhandel & groothandel-kwekery het alles wat ‘n ywerige tuinier nodig het om hul tuis-paradys uit te bou en vertroetel, insluitend ‘n wye reeks plante, sowel as ‘n verskeidenheid pesbestryding-, plantvoeding- en tuinsorg-produkte van sommige van Suid-Afrika se mees betroubare kommersiële en kleinskaal tuingoedere-verskaffers.

Markets & Gardening Events

The Garden World Trading Post hosts a regular weekend art and crafts market, as well as an annual Spring Festival to refresh the gardening palate (including the much-anticipated Designer Garden competition!). Our yearly events calendar also features a variety of exciting and informative events that include talks by gardening experts and short gardening courses, as well as performances by some of South Africa’s best-loved artists and performers.

All this and more is on offer at Garden World. Come and visit us in Muldersdrift and change the way you think about gardening forever!

Kuns & Tuinmaak Aktiwiteite 

Die Garden World Trading Post bied gereelde kuns- en handwerkmark aan, sowel as ‘n jaarlikse Lentefees om die tuinbou palet te verfris en bietjie gesonde kompetisie te kweek deur middel van die Tuin Ontwerp-kragmeting. Ons jaarlikse aktiwiteitskalender is propvol opwindende en insiggewende geleenthede, wat praatjies deur tuinmaak-kenners en kort kursusse, sowel as optredes deur van Suid-Afrika se mees geliefde kunstenaars en musikante, insluit.
Dit alles en nog meer is beskikbaar by Garden World. Kom kuier gerus by ons in Mulderdrift en hernu jou passie vir tuinmaak!

Adventures & Entertainment

But wait that’s not all – our beautifully landscaped gardens are one of the best-kept secret destinations in Jozi.  Our innovative Garden Centre features a rustic tea garden, on-site bakery, animal farmyard and playground that makes for the perfect kiddies’ outing or party venue, as well as a picturesque and unique indoor garden reception area for weddings and functions. 

Avonture & Vermaak

Maar dis nie al nie – ons pragtige tuine is een van die mees gesogte gesinsbestemmings in Johannesburg. Ons innoverende Tuin Sentrum beskik oor ‘n rustige teetuin, bakkery, plaaswerf en kinder speelgrond wat dit die perfekte uitstappie of partytjie lokaal maak vir die kleingoed, sowel as ‘n pragtige onthaal area wat gereeld vir troues en funksies gebruik word.

Protek @ Garden World